Data Science: Mini Project-Analysis of Netflix Data
Netflix is on of the most popular streaming platform in the world. Variety of TV Shows and movies of different languages are Added every year. People justify spending time in the evening in front of a television or computer for many reasons. A lot of people want to relieve stress from a hard day at work or just take some time to slow down for the night. Everyday households with a Netflix account can sit down in front of a television, start watching a series and escape from reality. But suddenly, hours and hours have gone by and the one episode the household sat down to watch has now become many episodes. This problem of people losing track of time while watching series television shows is being called the “Netflix Effect.” People find that they cannot just watch one episode of a show because they have to find out what happens next.
Dataset Overview
The dataset is taken from kaggle and contains details like the Title of the movie/TV show, director, date uploaded, genre, etc. The dataset is updated every month so dataset used contains all the shows released till September 2021.
Importing the dataset and reading the data.

Getting details of the dataset

Getting the graph of netflix titles releases over the year

Differentiating the previous result by Movies and TV Shows

Number of Titles Added by month

Differentiating previous result by Movies and TV Shows

Listing out details about Different Ratings of the Movies and TV Shows.

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